Medi Analytika was established in 1994 by a team of Medical Physicist & engineers to serve the customers in India by supplying state-of-the-art instrumentation from world leading instrumentation companies.
The founders have since grown Medi Analytika into a highly successful sales, service and support organization that is recognized all over India as a key supplier of quality products.
MEDI ANALYTIKA - INDIA is recognized as the largest Instrumentation company in India supplying equipments for varied fields from several world leading instrumentation companies from USA / Canada / UK / Europe / Japan / Korea / Israel, etc.
Offices in India
New No.15, Old No-6,
Adyar Bridge road,
Adyar, Chennai - 600 020,
044-2446 3084/85
+91-44-2446 3931
304, Corporate Towers,
85A Zamrudpur, Greater Kailash - 1
New Delhi - 110 048,
F-150, Dreams The Mall,
L.B.S.Marg,Bhandup (West),
Mumbai - 400 078,
Ala Scientific can supply OctoFlow II - most advanced perfusion system for drug applications and imaging studies
Tomtec can supply Auto-DBS (Automated Dried Blood Spot) work station for DMPK and liquid handling robot ...
Micrux can offer miniaturized analytical system based on a Lab-on-a-chip technology ...
Sutter Instrument can supply complete electrophysiology bundle systems and Quad 4 axis manipulator ...
Nepagene can supply Super Electroporator for both invivo and invitro applications ...
Biometrics is the OEM supplier of goniometers ! They can supply systems for both clinical and researchers ...
Do you know Klocke Nano is the only company in the world who can supply from components to production system for nanoscience ?
FlexiVent of Scireq is the most advanced patented ventilator system for respiratory mechanics for rodents ...
Metris' LABORAS is the only comprehensive behaviour analysis system in the world that can recognise several normal and special behaviours in small animals ...
Thomas Recording can offer stereotaxic system for primates ...
Do you know Avestin can supply complete Aseptic High pressure homogenizer (from lab to production scale) with filter extruder ?
Do you know Femtonics is the only company who can offer 3D,real time two photon microscope?
PGC is the only company who can supply the humidity / temperature controlled chambers with unsurpassed accuracy ..
Synthecon can supply 3 D RCCS bioreactors originally developed by NASA - peer reviewed in more than 400 publications ...
The world’s first All-in-One intravital microscopy platform from IVIM Technology is a key solution that can explore complex dynamic behaviors of numerous cells inside a living body
Bioseb can offer both Kinetric and Dynamic Weight Bearing system ...
Armfield is the only company who can supply complete range of miniature scale process equipments for food and pharma industries ...
Phoenix Research Labs can supply retinal imager for small animals with option to add image guided OCT/focal ERG & laser delivery modules & anterior segment imaging ...
Aquaneering can supply E-RACK zebrafish acquatic system for educational institutes to large systems...
Do you know Nanion can supply SyncroPatch384PE Automated Ion Channel high throughput screening system for 20000 data points per day ?
Oxford Optronics can supply Hypoxia chambers with authentic hypoxia replication at the cellular level ....
Emka can supply Plethysmography system (freely moving, restrained, anesthetized) with most advanced analysis software ...
G-Tec can supply Brain computer research systems, amplifiers, electrodes for your advanced BCI research...
CWE can offer small animal ventilators with both pressure and volume control ...
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