NANOLITE Driver : for triggering of the NANOLITE Flashlamps for single pulses and frequencies up to 50Hz
NANOLITE Nanosecond-Flashlamps : application for the nanosecond flash illumination for the photographic analysation of extremely fast events
MINISTROBOKIN 10 / 20 : Nanosecond Cold Light Flash Generator : designed for flashing rates up to 10 kHz or 20 kHz with flash lamps for motion analysis of very rapid events or very small objects
NANO TWIN FLASH System delivers Double-Flashes with short delay times for Particle Velocimetry Measurements, Deformation Processes or similar research efforts
STROBODRUM Drumcamera as a recordingsystem for pulsed flashseries upto 100m/s filmspeed ( 20kHz Flashfrequency = 5mm x 35mm-framesize)
MONOFLASH 6/300 is a high energy flash system for single flash operations. It combines a high energy output of 6 joule wih a short halfwidthtime of 300 ns.
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