

LumaGEM MBI breast cancer functioning imaging system 

  • Clear resolution (high intrinsic spatial resolution, 1.6mm), the best available detector on the market
  • Patient friendly, comfortable exam with minimal compression
  • Alternative for women contraindicated for MRI due to pacemakers or other ferromagnetic implants, poor renal function, claustrophobia, and body size or gadolinium allergies
  • Seamlessly integrates into workflow: Looks and acts like a mammography system with easy comparison to standard mammographic views (cranial caudal and mediolateral oblique)
  • The LumaGEM MBI system received FDA 510(k) clearance in 2011, and is installed in hospitals and breast imaging centers around the world 

Solo II™ Breast PET scanner with Stereo Navigator

  • Highest sensitivity and specificity in characterizing the extent and location(s) of cancer
  • Precise lesion targeting through 3-D tomographic imaging and automated software
  • High 1.6 mm spatial resolution (approximately the size of a grain of rice)
  • Unlike mammography, Breast PET gently steadies the breast without compression
  • Patient can sit comfortably and undergo minimal scan times with no claustrophobia issues
  • Compact, portable, easy to use
  • Clear resolution (high intrinsic spatial resolution, 1.6mm), the best available detector on the market
  • Patient friendly, comfortable exam with minimal compression
  • Alternative for women contraindicated for MRI due to pacemakers or other ferromagnetic implants, poor renal function, claustrophobia, and body size or gadolinium allergies
  • Seamlessly integrates into workflow: Looks and acts like a mammography system with easy comparison to standard mammographic views (cranial caudal and mediolateral oblique)
  • The LumaGEM MBI system received FDA 510(k) clearance in 2011, and is installed in hospitals and breast imaging centers around the world 

Solo II™ Breast PET scanner with Stereo Navigator

  • Highest sensitivity and specificity in characterizing the extent and location(s) of cancer
  • Precise lesion targeting through 3-D tomographic imaging and automated software
  • High 1.6 mm spatial resolution (approximately the size of a grain of rice)
  • Unlike mammography, Breast PET gently steadies the breast without compression
  • Patient can sit comfortably and undergo minimal scan times with no claustrophobia issues
  • Compact, portable, easy to use


Kinarm Labs are versatile research facilities to study sensory, motor and cognitive function.

Kinarm Exoskeleton Labs™  monitor and/or manipulate the upper limb at the elbow and shoulder joints in the horizontal plane.  Available for use with one or two limbs, and powered by Dexterit-E™, our unique and flexible operating system for controlling the robots, the lab provides a broad range of hand and joint-based kinesiological information.

Kinarm End-Point Labs™ provide a simpler, cost effective, graspable robot that can create highly complex mechanical environments. Also run with Dexterit-E™, the lab is modular and enables the user to build their lab over time: from a single, stand-alone robot to a full lab with two robots, integrated virtual reality, gaze tracking and adjustable height stand.

Kinarm Standard Tests™ is a battery of standardized sensory, motor and cognitive tasks that provide automated quantitative and objective measures of brain function compared to a large database of healthy controls.  The Tests may be run on either Lab platforms.


Fully computerized Exercise & Evaluation modular system for Orthopaedic & Neurological applications
Electronic devices include the Upper Limb Exerciser, Dynamometer, Pinchmeter, Goniometers, Myo-EX (surface EMG sensor), AngleX (exercise with gravity) and ForcePlates
Software includes documentation, progress reporting and physical impairment calculations for the upper and lower extremities

Applications :
  • Hand Therapy
  • Stroke Rehabilitaton
  • Pediatric Rehabilitation (with congenital conditions, illness or following major injury)
  • Spinal Injuries Rebahilitation
  • Neuro rehabilitation